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EPALE - Plataforma Eletrónica para a Educação de Adultos na Europa

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All4Inclusion Toolkit

Profile picture for user RichardHeise.
Richard Heise

This Toolkit was created by the consortium of the project All4Inclusion to give support
for teachers in adult education, who work with seniors.
The project aimed at increasing the social inclusion of seniors by creating teaching
material and didactic strategies for adult learning courses that include collaborative
and motivating activities with digital tools.
After an overview on the project in chapter 1, that describes the goals of the projects
and the outcomes, consisting of six modules and supporting material, a guideline for
using these outcomes is presented in chapter 2. The content of this chapter summarizes the experiences from the testing phase as well as best practices shared with us by external experts in the field of adult education. The annex of this document contains helpful templates for the implementation of adult learning courses, that can be downloaded and adapted to be used in different educational settings

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Autor do recurso
Richard Heise
Tipo de recurso
Recursos de ensino aberto
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