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EPALE - Plataforma Eletrónica para a Educação de Adultos na Europa

Digital Skills by Peer to Peer Mediation as form of Inclusion and Active Citizenship and educational curriculum byFutuReg

FutuReg is a Slovakian NGO working from 2016 with kids and adults in the field of non-formal education, research and development.
Our project is a digital skill awareness raising in Kids Safe Education about digitalskills.
Another project Tolerance and Peer to Peer mediation is a good example on inclusion and non-formal education about communication without violence. We are dealing with childrens rights and advocating the topic with active citizenship;
Our workshops are dealing with Communication, Effective Worklife, Self-Development
Our goal is the IT education of younger and older people in the partners' countries. Our project represents a transnational initiative that we cooperate with Hungarian partners in INTERREG Slovakia - Hungary. We have realised several national grants and participated in many international projects. We are looking for partnership in KA220 for a digital and educational platform in order to achieve the digital development goals

We speak Italian, Slovak, Hungarian, English and German and we are open to partnerships in the field of Digitalskills, Green Europe, Inclusion and Active Citizenship


Organisation Details
Área de atividades/interesses
Organização de investigação ou grupo de reflexão
Organização especializada em aprendizagem ou em orientação para a carreira
Operador de educação de adultos
Organização de media especializados em educação de adultos
ID da organização

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