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EPALE - Plataforma Eletrónica para a Educação de Adultos na Europa


Transnational Report for Developing Strategies for Adult Education Providers and Adult Educators

Marios Zittis



The present report aims to provide the theoretical framework for developing strategies for adult education providers and adult educators. The following report has been prepared within the context of the DIMA 2.0 project The project is co-funded by the EU Erasmus+ programme and is being implemented by a consortium of six partner organisations and one associate partner from five countries (Spain, Cyprus, Belgium, Ireland and Switzerland). 



DIMA 2.0 project (2020). Transnational Report for Developing Strategies for Adult Education Providers and Adult Educators. Date accessed online [e.g. 18/06/2020] from



Resource Details
Autor do recurso
Charalambos Vrasidas, Ph.D. – Centre for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology (CARDET)
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Estudos e relatórios
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