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EPALE - Plataforma Eletrónica para a Educação de Adultos na Europa



Mobile Phones as an Informal Learning Tool

Profile picture for user esratelli.
esra telli
Community Hero (Gold Member).

     Although the use of technology in informal learning comes to the forefront with the internet and social media, mobile devices that provide access to information from anywhere, especially smartphones, are becoming more and more common with applications that enable individual learning. Mobile phones or smartphones, which are smaller in size and more convenient than tablet computers in terms of portability, are the most widely used mobile devices with their advanced technical features and widescreen dimensions. Providing users with access to mobile internet and other applications, regardless of location, creates a potential for instant and self-directed learning situations. Thus, users can use their knowledge to acquire a skill in daily life or work environments according to their learning needs and goals without any time and space constraints. In scientific researches, it has been observed that mobile phones facilitate the interaction of individuals in mobile environment and combine formal and informal learning experiences. As the importance of informal learning increases in individuals' lives, it can be thought that mobile phones can provide more effective learning by filling the gap between formal learning and informal learning. Studies have shown that besides the significant effect of web technologies on informal learning, mobile devices are devices that support informal learning in different environments and situations. On the other hand, nowadays, these technologies have been developed and their usage has become more widespread..


     These changing conditions make the use of mobile devices, especially smart phones, inevitable in adult education or professional development. In business or adult learning, where informal learning is so important, the use of common mobile technologies such as smart phones is becoming widespread. Individuals 'needs to learn on their own with smartphones in daily life or in work-related situations, such as how smartphones are used to meet these informal learning needs or with which mobile applications are attracted to researchers' attention.

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 I agree that in recent years, mobile devices have become a key issue for researchers. Mobile devices are becoming ubiquitous and a part of our everyday life. People are using mobile devices at educational institutions (universities, colleges, and schools), at home, at work, and for leisure. The time a person can spend engaging in informal learning is far more than they will ever spend in formal learning contexts (such as classrooms or laboratories). Learners are provided with opportunities to independently learn things that they care or are curious about. Furthermore, skills crucial for both personal and professional development, such as leadership, collaboration, negotiation and problem-solving, are often refined and practiced in informal learning contexts. With increasing access to mobile devices, especially mobile phones, informal learning has evolved to become a more on-demand act, with information of interest available any time and anywhere, even on more basic mobile hardware. 
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Profile picture for user cath.harcula.
Cath Harcula
Ter, 2019-07-30 17:21

I agree.  Mobile phones are used by so many learners in their everyday life, so why not use them for learning.
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