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EPALE - Elektronisk Plattform for Voksnes Læring i Europa


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Applied Filters

Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)

We are a reliable partner with many experiences in Erasmus+ projects and our organisation is involved in KA2 projects in various fields, with a broad network in different areas

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Profile picture for user INNOVAMENTIS.
Sebastiano D'Agostino
|Posted 1 år siden
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)

The EDU-IT company has many years of experience as the host, intermediary and sending organization in the field of organization of internships for students and job shadowing for teachers within Era

Started by
Maciej Pieprzycki
|Posted 1 år siden
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)
IDRISI Cultura e Sviluppo is a no profit body located in Palermo, Italy, whose field of expertise is the production of training and other educational activities for an adult target, mainly through non-formal learning methodologies and creativity. This project proposal is focused on the new Pact for Skills for cultural and creative industries and, in detail, on the competences required by the Third Sector.
Started by
|Posted 1 år siden