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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih u Evropi

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Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
As our school, we provide services to all participants coming from EU countries for Internship within the scope of Erasmus, especially in Textile, Ready-to-Wear, Child Development, Furniture Decoration, Electricity, Machinery, Graphic Design, Information Technologies, Iron and Steel, Automobile sub-industry, Accommodation Guidance, trips during holidays , airport transfer etc. We carry out all organizations that you need. At the same time, we match you with the most suitable Host Organization or Partner for your K1 and K2 projects and organize your Erasmus Project.
Profile picture for user n0033dll.
Şeref Kıldıran
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
|Objavljeno na 1 week Ranije
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)
We are currently seeking to participate in the ERASMUS K210 call on Small-Scale Partnerships. We are looking for partners and projects to join. If you are interested in sharing your project with us, please write to
Marina Martinez
|Objavljeno na 1 month Ranije
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)

hello everyone we are looking for a European partner and coordinator for our ka210 project. We will apply in October and want to work in cooperation. We have no experience in ka210 projects.

Gamze Türedi
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
|Objavljeno na 2 months Ranije
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
If you are looking for an experienced, reliable partner for Erasmus+ projects in adult and youth education, as well as in small partnerships, the Ekopotencjał Foundation is the partner for you.
Danuta Łukasińska
|Objavljeno na 3 months Ranije
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
In a world of increasing energy demand, we should find solutions for more sustainable and renewable energy. States mostly aim for a carbon-neutral future however mostly their aims and acts do not match. As youth, our initiatives and contributions can impact policymakers by raising awareness of a sustainable world. The project “EmpowerGreen Exchange: Empowering Youth for Renewable Progress” aims to promote and encourage renewable energy and sustainability by raising awareness of youth. The activities contain formal education from experts, field visits, non-formal methods of learning, workshops, and simulation. FOR PARTNERSHIP PLEASE SEND YOUR PIF DOCUMENT TO THE:
Uzay Yüksekkaya
|Objavljeno na 3 months Ranije