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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Leit að samstarfsaðilum

Þrengdu leitarskilyrði

Samtök erlendis sem eru að leita að samstarfsaðilum í mínu landi

Sýna tilkynningar frá samtökum í því landi

Verkefnisstjórar sem eru með Erasmus aðild í fullorðinsfræðslu og eru að leita að samstarfsaðilum í samstarfsnet (consortium)


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Með því að skrá samtökin þín á EPALE getur þú sett inn tilkynningu um leit að samstarfsaðilum

Leit að samstarfsaðilum

Við aðstoðum! Smelltu á krækjuna hér fyrir neðan til að hefja leit að samstarfsaðilum.

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Finna nýjustu upplýsingar um hvernig ESB styður við fullorðinsfræðslu

Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
Our organization is Servei d'Educació al Llarg de la Vida of the Department of Education in Catalonia, and manages the centres of adult education in penitentiary facilities. We have detected a number of needs to improve education in those centres. For that reason, we are looking for organizations, authorities and institutions dealing with adult education in penitentiary facilities. We expect and offer collaboration and exchange in the matter we described above in order to share ideas to deal with the needs, especially in those countries where the indicators are better than ours.
Elisenda Torres Bueno
|Birt 1 ár síðan
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
Two partners needed -one with experience in entrepreneurship and tourism, with particular focus on rural areas (agrotourism) -one with skills in architecture, recycling, construction and sustainability
Profile picture for user ngagnico.
Carmine Pastore
|Birt 1 ár síðan
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
Two partners needed -one with experience in entrepreneurship and tourism, with particular focus on rural areas (agrotourism) -one with skills in architecture, recycling, construction and sustainability
Profile picture for user ngagnico.
Carmine Pastore
|Birt 1 ár síðan