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EPALE - Aikuiskoulutuksen eurooppalainen foorumi


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Akkreditoidut Erasmus+ -koordinaattorit etsivät uusia jäseniä konsortioon

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Löydät uusimmat tiedot siitä, miten EU edistää aikuiskoulutuspolitiikkaa

Applied Filters

Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)
We want to achieve that our young participants to learn what are the Key Democratic Principles to implement and give right decisions in their life and teach the further generations All those will show the articulation of the concept of democracy with existing socio-political conceptions in contemporary countries. The standard translation of the word democracy means political cosmology which emphasizes the values of justice, civility and open communication between rulers and subjects, and involves a conception of sociopolitical hierarchy modeled on the systems. Key ideological features of this conception include its construction from the bottom up, the singularity of power, regulated competition and nested solidarities. Democratic practices and institutions as elections, political parties and representation are part of the definition of democracy. At a more pragmatic level, however, some of the democratization initiatives of the current governments have given rise to a new popular allegiance to democracy. Our projectsuggests that more attention should be devoted to the coherence of democratization initiatives with democratic cultural diversities. dialogue conceptions
A.Kadir Deniz
|Julkaistu 1 vuosi sitten