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EPALE - Aikuiskoulutuksen eurooppalainen foorumi


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Organisaatiot, jotka etsivät hankekumppania maastani

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Akkreditoidut Erasmus+ -koordinaattorit etsivät uusia jäseniä konsortioon

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Applied Filters

Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
Are you searching for partners for your project on promoting inclusive education and working with learners in voulnerable situations? We offer KA1 training courses in Tenerife for adult education organizations, NGOs, and schools that want to work with these topics.
Profile picture for user n002hucr.
Anca Dudau
|Julkaistu 1 vuosi sitten
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
We are an accredited adult school in Manises (Valencia-Spain). We are looking for state adult schools who are interested in exchanging experiences. Our school offers formal and non-formal education. Our students are actively involved in their education proccess and we plan to offer them the opportunity of experiencing the Erasmus adventure.
Cristina Barbera
|Julkaistu 1 vuosi sitten
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
Main topic: stereotypes, prejudices, cultural attitudes, particularly deep-rooted in Southern Europe, that may obstacle the acquisition of STEM/STEAM SKILLS by girls and young women, limiting their access to the world of higher education and work in these areas Target involved: Girls/Boys (14-18 bracket), teachers, parents, key stakeholders of the educating community involved in training and/or employment processes, teenagers (11-13 bracket) to whom PEER EDUCATION actions will be addressed.
Profile picture for user paolamaciariello.
Paola Maciariello
|Julkaistu 1 vuosi sitten
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
Żory Municipal Public Library (Silesia, southern Poland) invites you to job-shadowing and study visits in the
|Julkaistu 1 vuosi sitten
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
We are an organisation that operates in the third sector on several levels: we respond to the job offer through training and skills development.
Profile picture for user Pasquale Venditti.
Pasquale Venditti
|Julkaistu 1 vuosi sitten