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EPALE - den Elektroniske Platform for Voksenlæring i Europa



EPALE Ressource Center er en samling af materialer som vil holde dig up to date med bedste praksis inden for voksenlæring samt referencedokumenter.

Vi publicerer casestudier med innovative tilgange til voksenlæring, rapporter og policy dokumenter, såvel som artikler fra fagblade og aviser.

Du kan også finde åbne uddannelsesressourcer og læringsmaterialer så du altid har adgang til de bedste værktøjer til at hjælpe dig i din dagligdag.


How to use the Resource Centre

There are several ways to browse and search the EPALE Resource Centre:

  1. Browse
    The newest content is at the top of the page so you can easily stay up to date with the most recent developments in the sector.

  2. Search
    Go straight to a specific resource by typing the title, author or keyword in the search box.

  3. Filter
    Filter by type of resource, theme, tags, country, author and language. Relevant resources will be listed to the left of the page.

Happy searching!


How to get involved

Do you have a resource you would like to share or an interesting publication you would to publish in EPALE? EPALE can provide an extra dimension to your project by promoting your results within a professional network across Europe.

Please note: The resources featured in EPALE are not endorsed by the European Commission.

We do our utmost to ensure that content hosted on EPALE, or directly linked to, does not breach EU and national rules and conventions governing intellectual property. However, if you feel that we have infringed these rules please contact us via the EPALE helpdesk or via the feedback form so we can ensure this content is removed from the site.

Begræns dine resultater


Applied Filters

Analyse af inklusionsprojekter i Erasmus+ 2014-2020

Rapporten indeholder en stor mængde data og analyse af Erasmus+-projekter som har arbejdet med inklusion. Det er en guldgrube af viden og inspiration

Startet af
Profile picture for user n0025jhn.
Emil Thirup-Sorknæs
|Opslået den 1 år siden