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EPALE - den Elektroniske Platform for Voksenlæring i Europa


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Applied Filters

Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
We are looking for partners: KA210 ADU Adult Education - Small-Scale Partnerships, deadline March 22. During the 2022-2023 academic year, the Campus of the Experience from UIC Barcelona has launched a program entitled Our Europe: Legacy and Challenges. Now it is intended to complete this course with a subject on European artistic heritage, shared with other European entities related to adult education. The idea is to start by focusing attention on the arts taken in their broadest sense (monumental heritage, traditions and folklore, museums and galleries, gastronomy and enology, fashion, music, and even natural heritage, etc.). Through mutual knowledge, the aim is to promote among the senior population a sense of inclusion, and respect, and appreciation of European transnational cultural diversity, as a shared wealth; and foster the will to participate and civic commitment in the construction of a common home. It is for all this that the project is titled, Cicerone. Cicerone is a term used to designate a person who teaches and explains a town, with its artistic treasures. As if they were cicerones, in other words, tourist guides specialized in culture or art, senior students from entities related to adult education from different countries of the European Union must develop a range of activities (routes, visits, and experiences) that they consider representative of the art of their own country, and of those that they can offer to their colleagues to act as guides. It should be presented as a menu to choose from possible visits or activities from which your colleagues from other countries can choose those that most interest them. It is a matter of mutually sharing the respective artistic heritage, and also of trying to reach personal knowledge and contact between fellow citizens of different cultural fields within Europe. The senior participants, then, constituted in working groups, must prepare and offer their colleagues from other countries a wide and free menu of those arts that they consider most representative of their country and those that they can act as guides for them. The project will consist of a Virtual Exchange (VE) activity accompanied by a sustainable mobility of the students who participate in the work groups. The trips will be inclusive, providing everyone with the same possibilities. Most of the work, however, must be supported by digital resources, encouraging the use of the possibilities that these offer both for teaching, teamwork, and socialization. These are resources that have been widely used in periods of lockdown and that can now be used for meetings between citizens of very different European origins. We want to collaborate with other institutions by presenting our project and cooperating with them in the construction and design of a common subject on European art, in which each one of the partners provides to the others a possible training plan on that of their respective country. Sharing experiences of transformation, common values, commitment, and citizen participation with other organizations will favor the transversality of associations for the elderly, mutual knowledge, overcoming language barriers, and the use of digital tools in mutual communication within the European Union. Many thanks.
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Jordi Miralbell
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