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EPALE - den Elektroniske Platform for Voksenlæring i Europa



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Find den seneste information om hvordan EU promoverer politik for voksenuddannelse

Applied Filters

ATC was founded in 1973 and since then we have been providing Quality English Language programmes for students of all ages from across the world.
Sarah Corrigan
The Institute of Child Education and Psychology (ICEP) Europe is an independent education and research institute specialising in flexible, blended and online quality continuing professional development (CPD) and higher education programmes for learners with a professional or p...
Privately owned English language school located in Dublin City Centre
Profile picture for user n00ejiqe.
Dermot McSharry
Cork ETB is a driving force of education and training in Cork, providing high quality services which are innovative, responsive and inclusive. Through Cork ETB there is a pathway for every learner.
Profile picture for user gerbrennan.
Gerald Brennan
AONTAS is the National Adult Learning Organisation in Ireland. Founded in 1969, AONTAS is an independent non-governmental organisation with strong relationships with key public, private, and notfor-profit stakeholders across the education sector. Through research and advocacy...
Profile picture for user n00fj418.
Ruby Cooney
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).