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EPALE - den Elektroniske Platform for Voksenlæring i Europa

Online Course Catalogue

Online Course Catalogue

Det online kursuskatalog giver adgang til online træning og muligheder for certificering for voksenlæringsprofessionelle som ønsker at forbedre deres viden og faglighed. Kurserne er udvalgt og tilgængelige fra velrennomerede udbydere og organisationer.

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Intercultural Competency in Education

Some of the challenges we are facing in the world today are related to the ongoing trends towards immigration and globalization of education and the labour market. Combined with increased numbers of...

Online course
The University of Iceland

Diversity and Inclusion in Education

Student diversity is becoming the rule rather than the exception in education systems across the world. Students bring to classroom different characteristics such as ability and disability, socio...

Online course
University of Glasgow