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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih

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Report on an in-depth country workshop on effective policies for increasing participation of adults in basic skills provision (ET 2020 Working Group on Adult Learning)


The report is based on a country workshop organised by the ET 2020 Working Group on Adult Learning in the topic of inclusion of adults in basic skills provision. During the four-day long intensive event experts from 12 countries from Europe discussed how to build policies that effectively increase adult participation in programs aiming at improving basic skills, which is an identified policy challenge of the Working Group. Through the discussion of the policy context, the workshop reviewed the available research evidence in the field. 

The report proposes 3 main success criteria (policy design, policy implementation and policy governance) that were identified by policy actors from Europe to build effective policies to raise adult participation in basic skills provision. The report also contains an analysis of strengths and weaknesses of policies (SWOT analysis) which provides readers with an insight into further country-level challenges in policy-making. 


Resource Details
Autor resursa
Education and Training 2020 Wroking Group on Adult Learning (2014-2015)
Vrsta resursa
Studije i izvještaji
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