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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih

Stowarzyszenie Lokalna Grupa Działania "Kraina Łęgów Odrzańskich"


The scope of activities of our Association is vast: from sustainable rural development, community activation, protection of natural and cultural resources, tourism development, promotion and creation of local products to supporting entrepreneurship. The Association distributes EU funds in rural areas daily. The aim of our educational activities, whose recipients are adults, is to improve the quality of life in rural areas in a broad sense, targeting various areas that are on the list of horizontal problems of the Polish countryside, such as education, prevention of social exclusion; bioeconomy; availability of digital services, including the Internet, etc., which as a whole (and as a consequence) lead to education in the field of, inter alia, smart villages - intelligent villages, which are - in principle - very important for the development of contemporary rural areas and constitute a new concept in terms of shaping EU policy.

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