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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih


Adult Learning Policy Analysis Tool

Welcome to the Adult Learning Policy Analysis Tool, developed by the European Commission.
This brings together existing data on adult learning and continuing vocational education and training (CVET) and provides a central point of reference for monitoring and improving policy and performance in adult learning.

Map and compare the progress of your country in implementing its adult learning policies

Identify areas where further progress could be made in order to improve your national or regional policies

Monitor your country's performance in increasing participation in adult learning

Find out more about the study which informed this tool and the resources used

The overall aim of this tool is to support Member States to formulate and implement effective adult learning policies, while making better use of the already existing evidence base. The tool features a high-level conceptual framework for adult learning policies that is designed to help national, regional and local policy makers implement and improve their policies.

It also provides access to a collection of quantitative and qualitative data to evaluate the comparative performance of countries. This interactive feature can assist in the monitoring of progress and relative performance in the area of adult learning.

This tool and its use contribute to key EU priorities for adult learning, including to ‘improve the knowledge base on adult learning and monitoring the adult learning sector’ (see the Council’s Resolution on a Renewed European Agenda for Adult Learning, 2011).

This tool was developed as part of a study to develop an-depth analysis of adult learning policies and their effectiveness. This study also informed the development of the analytical framework for the assessment of adult learning policies presented in this tool. This will support Member States in designing and implementing adult learning policies more effectively.