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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih

Welcome to the EPALE Hall of Fame!
Meet our Community Heroes, the real people who make EPALE flourish. Get to know the community members who have shown exceptional engagement to EPALE, contributing with their ideas, reflections and participation!
Would you like to be featured in this section? Be active on EPALE and earn points, until you become a Community Hero, too! Find out more here.
I am a highly motivated person, with a serious approach to the tasks and obligations arising from the professional engagement, fulfilling, thorough and efficient in the implementation, and with particular dedication when it comes to work with adult education and lifelong learning.
Join EPALE, share your professional or personal experiences in the field of adult education!
What I love most about the EPALE platform is that it is possible to participate in discussions on various topics in the field of adult education, share personal experiences from working with adult education, share ideas, resources, good practices, personal blog posts and news.
I am currently working at CIFP Tony Gallardo as a Professional Counselor in an Integrated Vocational Training Center (CIFP) of the Government of the Canary Islands. Previously, I worked in the field of the Execution of Judicial Measures in Open Environments, in the execution and management of these
We are agents of change, helping in the transformation of society; small and connected actions can achieve great accomplishments
I love the great capacity of EPALE for resources and news that it offers opportunities to stay up-to-date with all the novelties presented in adult learning and vocational training, both nationally and internationally. Its connectivity and resourcefulness need to be highlighted.
I am a specialist in Information Technologies, Professor of computer science. Also, I am an active member of our EPALE family, and at the same time EPALE AMBASSADOR OF MONTENEGRO. As part of my competences, I lead various projects, of which I would like to emphasize EDUCATION FOR DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP
Our EPALE family is growing every day because we are forever connected by our unselfish love for education! Education is my life and my great love!
I adore EPALE because in my eyes it is a big and golden globe of millions of possibilities, which already exist and which have yet to be developed! I am very grateful for the opportunity to be a member of the EPALE Hall of Fame!
Teacher, work enthusiast. Please say about me that "I'm hyperactive because I never stop". I'm resourceful because I always try to find solutions quickly, and when I work in a team they say about me that I have a "Bismarckian" style, and what I like most is helping others.
We live in turbulent times, the typical instability of the turn of the century, EPALE in its mission must give a voice with values on its platform.
Behind EPALE, there is a nebula that is imbued with the democratic values of the European Union, something intangible with which I identify in my essence.
Something about me? Pioneering the digital education frontier since 1995, at FROLLEINFLOW crafting transformative learning journeys, merging innovation, creativity, and practical expertise to shape the future of learning and work.
Every idea shared, every resource shared and every collaboration forged takes us to new horizons in adult learning. Let's innovate and move forward!
The aspect of EPALE that resonates with me the most is its dedication to professional development and lifelong learning. It's a hub of inspiration where educators and enthusiasts can connect, evolve, and enrich their skills in a supportive, dynamic community.
I am a very active person who always wants to know more and more things. I´ve been coordinating the Erasmus+ proyects at my School for years and I am interested in everything that is related to Europe and Vocational Training. That´s why I´m here now!
Thank you very much for giving me the great opportunity to be a member of this Community. I´m learning and enjoying a lot this experience.
What I love most about EPALE is the great chance that I have to show the most relevant things and events that happen in my community, La Rioja. For me, it is a great opportunity, at the same time as a challenge. Being part of the EPALE Ambassador Network is a source of pride.
I love being in the information flow. I am a manager in a small rural cultural institution, but I like to use the opportunities offered by the platform to learn and I encourage others to do the same. I like to get to know socially active people who aim to make this world a better and smarter place.
There are no big or small dreams and goals. There are just motivated, curious and open-minded people who are ready to achieve them!
What I like most about EPALE is that I can find about current affairs and opportunities in Europe. The most important thing is to read it in my own language. It is very important to be able to publish my own information and to let other users of the platform know what is happening in my community.
Hello! I'm a professional musician currently doing a PhD in Music. On the side, I'm also a Soft Skills Trainer, an EFL Teacher, and a European Project Manager. Passionate and Perseverant, I love a challenge and anything that brings people and ideas together for a better and stronger future.
Thank you for welcoming me in this Community.
I love how it allows us to showcase the work we do on our projects. In addition, it's also a great way to discover other projects and to encounter fellow project champions.
I am a Full Professor of Educational Technology at Yasar University, Izmir, Turkiye. I have directed and participated in research projects related to educational technology and have published several books and scientific articles in international journals.
My message to the community: "Let's inspire each other to create positive change, foster learning, and build a stronger, more connected community."
EPALE provides a platform for sharing educational resources, materials, and best practices, enabling professionals to benefit from each other's expertise in adult education, fostering collaboration, and exchanging ideas.
I am a full time professor in Gazi University, Ankara, Türkiye.
My message to the community: "Whatever you do, just think twice, click once, while you are in virtual words."
What do I love most about EPALE? Being connected with other people, and its updated information about adult learning.
I am an English teacher, Erasmus+ School and EDA/EPALE Ambassador, former Erasmus+ Project evaluator, Erasmus+ Accreditation coordinator at I.I.S. "Pertini-Santoni" in Crotone, Calabria Region (Italy).
I'm very happy about EPALE as a sharing and collaboration tool. Please contact me to keep me informed about events, news, networking opportunities
I love EPALE as a networking, sharing and collaboration tool in the field of adult education.