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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih

Community Composting

Community Composting project between Gartenpolylog, Kokoza and workstation to develop materials for communities to learn how to compost together.

Digital Learners

A group for adult learners and educators interested in digital skills, e-learning, and online education.

Inclusion, reintegration and sustainability in adult education.

Exchange of ideas about inclusion and reintegration in adult centers. With this space we want to make an appeal to all those centersinterest in participating in a KA220


Tremplin Innovant MUltiplicateur MUltilingue / Innovative Multilingual Learning Booster - MuLiBoo Plus d'accès aux résultats du projet d'abord Anchoring Muliboo now

EMUN - European Master Unit Network

Space to discuss actions related to the network

Mobility with Andalucia

Cooperation between Lower Saxony and Andalucia

Stay At Work

Collaborative suite for project planning on the issue of Great Resignation - preparing project application.


Echanges d'informations entre les partenaires du projet "Ma ville s'engage vers 2050 par les ODD"


Older adult being supported by a young woman and DigitalScouts logo including the title "Enhancin...
This group aims to facilitate the project management, implementation and dissemination of the Erasmus+ KA2 project DigitalScouts (2022-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000086499)


We are implementing a collaborative project called Together and Halfway in Adult Education, where "halfway" for us means another way how to innovate adult education for better competences.

Let's stay connected!

Group of mobility coordinators in Catalonia to establish connections, share concerns and resolve doubts. Mainly KA1 projects.

comité de jumelage et d'échanges internationaux

Echanges de bonnes pratiques de danses et musiques traditionnelles entre pays Européens.