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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih

Event Details

17 Jan

ELT Conference 2020


The ELT Conference will take place at Prospero House in London on Friday 17 and Saturday 18 January 2020. It is ideal for ELT teachers, practitioners and managers. Delegates will be able to listen to a number of expert speakers in the sector, as well as materials providers and publishers, and will also allow delegates to reconnect with old contacts and build new networking relationships. Quality food and an evening drinks reception will be provided courtesy of Macmillan Education.

Delegates sitting in the audience at a conference.

Date & time: 9am Friday 17 January – 7pm Saturday 18 January 2020

Location: Prospero House, London

Friday session: Academic management

Saturday session: Classroom practice


The conference draws around 300 delegates and provides inspirational plenaries and a wide selection of more than 30 elective sessions. Topics for discussion include mental health and wellbeing, developing a strong team that is prepared for inspections, and classroom tech.

Tickets come at a range of prices, with member prices starting at £90 and non-members from £120. Tickets can be purchased via Eventbrite – members should enter the code 9009 at the checkout.

Countdown host Susie Dent will also be present, providing interesting insights into the English language!

Event Details
As planned
Tip događaja
Web lokacija događaja
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
English UK
Kontaktni detalji
Via a link on the event page.
Broj delegata
> 200
Ciljna grupa
Adult learning networks & organisations
Ciljevi i zadaci
To consider developments in academic management and classroom practice within the ELT sector.
Naknada za prisustvo
Themes addressed

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