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CarboNostrum Odemira24 - Final Internacional Conference

Márcia Silva
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
The final CarboNostrum conference, promoted by The USE Concept, took place on the 28th May at the Cineteatro Camacho Costa (Odemira, Portugal). Our speakers covered a variety of topics, from ecosystem services and carbon markets to planning and the role of municipalities, as well as new technologies.
It was a valuable opportunity for dialogue, discussion and reflection on the future of climate-smart agriculture, the integration of new techniques and a deeper understanding of natural systems.
We also heard from Maria Eduarda, who took part in the pilot course, including the face-to-face module in Thessaloniki, Greece.
We would like to thank the Município de Odemira for its support for the event, as well as our speakers and audience, who contributed to the success of this initiative.
Conference photos compilation.
Conference photos compilation.
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azra SULIC

Kulturna i kreativna industrija – (ne)propuštena šansa za Bosnu i Hercegovinu

Potencijal koji postoji u okviru kulturne i kreativne industrije, opravdano nameće pitanje o tome da li je to u kontekstu bosansko-hercegovačke ekonomije i društva propuštena ili nepropuštena šansa te da li bi u ovom segmentu industrije to bila šansa za razvoj, zapošljavanje mladih i socijalnu koheziju.
