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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



EPALE Podcast - Greener Horizons: Exploring the power of sustainable and green skills

Uncover the potential of green skills in adult education! Tune in for expert insights with Arine Huijboom and Narjisse Ben Moussa.

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In this episode of the EPALE Podcast titled Greener Horizons: Exploring the Power of Sustainable and Green Skills, Christin Cieslak of EAEA discussed with experts Arine Huijboom and Narjisse Ben Moussa. Together, they looked into the vital role of green skills within adult learning and education (ALE) and their profound impact on fostering sustainable development.

Introducing the Experts

Arine Huijboom, drawing from her experience in management and social integration, emphasises the importance of grassroots initiatives in effecting change within vulnerable communities. Narjisse Ben Moussa, with a background in sustainable development and European cooperation, brought a global perspective to the conversation.

Green Skills

When asked to define green skills, Arine highlighted the multifaceted nature of the concept, emphasising not only technical abilities but also awareness and behavioural change. 

"Our approach focuses on grassroots initiatives, effecting change within vulnerable communities."

Narjisse underscored the evolution of green skills, emphasising their integration into various professions to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy. 

"Green skills are not just technical abilities but encompass awareness and behavioural change."

Green Skills and Sustainable Development Goals

Narjisse then elaborated on how green skills contribute to achieving sustainable development goals, citing examples from her work with local authorities in France. Arine underscored the importance of a people-oriented approach, focusing on empowerment and awareness within communities.

Incorporating Green Skills into Adult Education

Both experts emphasised the need for hands-on training and real-world applications of green skills in adult education programmes and Arine advocated for the integration of green principles into existing curricula, emphasising the importance of relevance and practicality for adult learners.

Funding Initiatives for Green Skills Development

In discussing funding initiatives, Arine stressed the need for increased EU funding to support ongoing projects and experimentation. Narjisse emphasised the importance of local initiatives and skilled forecasting, highlighting the need for resources to support coordination and accreditation efforts.

What's next?

Arine and Narjisse finally agreed on the ongoing need for collaboration and innovation in the field, during the wrap up of their discussion. It became clear that the path to a sustainable future demands funding, concrete action and innovative strategies. 

So it's imperative that the ALE community continues to advocate for funding, champions hands-on training opportunities, and strengthens partnerships that amplify the impact of green skills in shaping a more environmentally conscious society.

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Khalid Othman
Tue, 05/14/2024 - 12:40

Thank you Chtistin.
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Khalid Othman
Tue, 05/14/2024 - 12:40

Thank you Chtistin.
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Profile picture for user Christin Cieslak.
Christin CIESLAK
Mon, 05/13/2024 - 11:22

Here are the links for more information;

  1. Netwerkpro;
  2. Our Erasmus- plus project “The green step” (NWP wrote, applied and led this project). (
  3. Epale BLOG about the project “The Green Step” (EN/ Dutch) ;
    1. Browsing through good green teaching materials! | EPALE (
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