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EPALE - Avrupa'da Yetişkin Öğrenimi Elektronik Platformu


EPALE Newscast #7.2024: Community Conference Countdown

Profile picture for user EPALE Moderator.
EPALE Editor

We are getting ready for the next Community Conference, which we are expecting to be a great one. Would you like to get a heads-up on what's going to be covered at the conference? We are excited to share some information with you. All you have to do is tune in to this episode. Moreover, in this episode of the EPALE Newscast, we're joined by the Belgian (French-speaking community) and Italian National Support Services, who'll be sharing some insights from the national side events they're planning to enhance the Conference at a national level.

What to expect?

Let us get inspired by some of the national initiatives going on! Marco Cecchinato (EPALE National Support Service Belgium FR) and Lorenza Venturi (EPALE National Support Service Italy) will be joining us to give us the inside scoop on their exciting events.

When and where?

The Newscast will be back live on 9 September at noon! We will be bringing you some previews of the upcoming EPALE Community Conference, so stay tuned! 

Make sure you do not miss the next episode with Tamsin Rose and the NSSs! As usual, if you can't make it to the live broadcast, you can always watch the episode in your own time... and watch it over and over again. Where? In the dedicated Newscasts section on the EPALE Learn menu item!

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Profile picture for user Ērodeja Kirillova.
Ērodeja Kirillova
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Pt, 09/09/2024 - 13:34

Iedvesmojoša partneru pieredze dod jaunas iedvesmas pašu darbam. Jo vairāk tiek runāts par labās prakses piemēriem, jo vairāk varam iedvesmoties darīt līdzīgi arī paši. Un pozitīvākais ir tas,ka šī pieredze parāda, ka visas vienkāršās lietas ir viss aizraujošākās un galvenais ir nebaidīties mēgināt tajās iesaistīties! 

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Per, 09/26/2024 - 17:55

In reply to by Ērodeja Kirillova

Lovely words, Erodeja!

So glad that this newscasts - and especially its protagonists - inspired you so much.

Sara - EPALE Moderator

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