A lookback to the EPALE and Erasmus+ Conference 2021 "I am different. You are different. Together we are diversity!"
Appreciating diversity in inclusive adult education was the topic discussed by over 150 participants from more than 20 countries at Austrian the national EPALE conference, which was held online for the second time.
Carin Dániel Ramírez-Schiller, OeAD / Department Europe, Education, Youth, gave an insight into EPALE and the new programme generation ERASMUS+, which represent an important framework for inclusion and diversity in adult education.
In their keynote contribution, Camilla Fitzsimons and Lilian Nwanze, National University of Ireland Maynooth, discussed the issue of structural racism and exclusion in adult education, following a biographical approach.
Hakan Gürses, Austrian Society for Civic Education (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politische Bildung), gave the second keynote contribution "From Diversity to Plurality. Equality and Difference in Adult Civic Education".
In six "idea and networking pools", the following innovative adult education offers and Erasmus+ projects in Austria and Europe were presented:
AGE:WISE – Across Generations at Eye Level: Ways to Integrate Seniors by Education
I am not a racist, but... Anti-discrimination training for unmotivated and resistant adults
Entre4all: an innovative outreach programme to equip adults with disabilities with key competencies
The Shanarani Approach - Awareness and Reduction of Gender Stereotypes
More articles will be linked on an ongoing basis.
EPALE and Erasmus+ Publication 2021 (EN), PDF
Conference Programme 2021 (DE), PDF