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EPALE - Elektronisk plattform för vuxnas lärande i Europa


Best Practices Report Labour market integration of third-country

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Monika Petlušová

This report aims to provide an overview of existing national legal frameworks and labour integration policies in Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia targeting third-country nationals. It offers a perspective of integration policies with the focus on labour market integration policies, state approaches and measures, and measures conducted by the private sector. This synthesis report is based on national reports made by organisations In Baze, Centre for Peace Studies, Menedek and Mareena, through Erasmus + project, Career Path.

National reports are based on data collected via interviews with third-country nationals, representatives of non-governmental institutions, state institutions, and human resources managers. Interviews allowed the authors of national reports to get feedback on policies and measures targeting labour market integration. Labour market integration policies are implemented differently in each Member State. This report will examine gaps between the aim and the implementation of labour integration policies and their direct impact on third-country nationals.

Best practices document professional opportunities and career guidance provided to migrants. They include the cases when migrants are getting good support in their career growth which can serve as examples to be replicated elsewhere. Best practices are put together as a spin off from the interviews and by contacting additional service providers.


Each example of good practice is presented in a clear and concise manner in order to be easily implemented in a new context. It includes information on institution that developed a good practice, target groups, detailed description of activity, expected benefits for target groups, resources required to implement a good practice as well as justification for its further usage. Since the collected best practices were developed in different countries and by various types of institutions (public, private, NGOs etc.) information of transferability (possibility of using it in different country/institutional contexts) is also provided. Finally, reader can also rely on provided websites and other references to get more information on a given good integration solution.

The analysis is a product of a join work of project partenrs Centre for Peace Studies, InBaze, Mareena, Menedek, within ERASMUS + project Career Path

Editor: Zsuzsa Laszlo, Menedék 

Resource Details
Centre for Peace Studies, InBaze, Mareena, Menedek
Typ av resurs
Studier och rapporter
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