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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за образовање одраслих у Европи

Institut Marianao


Dear Colleagues,

We are a school with aproximately 1200 students and 83 teachers and the school is 12km away  from Barcelona City.

Our school develops courses for Compulsory Education (12-16 y.o) and for Vocational Education (VET students 16-18 y.o and HIGH Vocational Students 18-any age)


Experience with Erasmus projects since 2009:

We have applied and runned a KA202 with Italy, Denmark and Poland, with VET students.

We have hosted students from Germany, The Netherlands, Italy to do internships in companies related to International Trade, and Design of Mechanization (programms like CATIA, SOLIDWORKS)

We have also hosted teachers from Vocational courses to do Jobshadowings.

We are looking for companies for our HIGH vocational students and we offer stages for your students.

We are looking for schools willing to develop KA121 with VET students regarding IT, trade and environmental competences.


Best regards



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