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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за образовање одраслих у Европи


EPALE Community Conference 2021 - Workshop: Green education in practice: how can we mainstream sustainability in the provision of adult learning

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EPALE Community Conference 2021 - Workshop: Green education in practice: how can we mainstream sustainability in the provision of adult learning

Environmental awareness, sustainability, green skills: no longer restricted to climate activism, these concepts are now slowly entering the mainstream discourse in adult learning. Do we already know how to put them into practice? As adult educators, are we ready to support our learners in becoming conscious global citizens? What support do we need from our institutions and policymakers in order to drive long-term change? During our interactive workshop, we will exchange ideas and experiences on what we are already doing in order to promote conscious global citizenship and areas where we can improve. The discussion will finish with the Manifesto on Adult Learning and Education for Sustainability.

Erdem Vardar

Erdem Vardar has extensive experience in advocacy and development fields as project coordinator, executive and adult educator. He worked for organisations such as Greenpeace and Amnesty International and has acted as Country Director of DVV International. In 2010, he founded YUVA aiming to bring together concepts of ecology, human rights and poverty alleviation. He still acts as chairman and director of the association. 


Özge Sönmez

Özge Sönmez has 15 years of experience working with national and international stakeholders at the intersection of environmental awareness, poverty alleviation, and education. Ten years ago, she co-founded YUVA, an NGO, generating holistic solutions to environmental, educational, and social issues in Turkey and around the world. She leads the Human Development and Earth Citizenship Programs at YUVA.

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