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EPALE - Platforma Elektronike për të Nxënit e të Rriturve në Evropë


Towards AI Literacy

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This is the second open crowdsourced collection by #creativeHE, with 119 contributions from 22 countries presenting creative and critical practices, perspectives and purposes from educators, researchers and students between September 2023 and January 2024. 

Dr Margaret Korosec, Dean of Online and Digital Education, University of Leeds, defines the collection in the following way:

“This collection of AI stories and examples in education exemplifies citizen science at its finest. It captures the authentic voices of individuals who are actively testing and expanding their AI literacy, sharing their experiences to support and inspire others. Through their contributions, they collectively advance our understanding and application of AI in educational settings, showcasing the true spirit of community-driven learning and innovation. Your feedback is encouraged; this story is only beginning". 

You can download and consult the resource here.


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