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EPALE - Elektronická platforma vzdelávania dospelých v Európe

Ecompost Organic Substrates & Amendments


ECOMPOST, the only composting company in the Peloponnese, was also awarded by the Ministry of Environment and Energy in the Greenathon Competition 2020 as well as by the National Technical University of Athens in the GreenTech Challenge 2021 competition.

ECOMPOST is able to provide high quality training in the field of circular economy and specifically composting.

I you want to collaborate with us don't hesitate to contact at .

Organisation Details
Oblasť činnosti / záujmov
Výskumná organizácia alebo think-tank
Poskytovateľ vzdelávania dospelých

Vyhľadávanie partnera touto organizáciou

Pre túto organizáciu sa nenašli žiadne žiadosti o partnerstvo.