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EPALE - Platformă electronică pentru învățarea adulților în Europa


Do not miss the next Eurydice Talk on Adult learning and EPALE!

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EPALE Editor

Do not miss the next Eurydice Talk on Adult learning and EPALE!

Do not miss the next Eurydice Talk on Adult learning and EPALE!

A talk on Adult Learning in Europe and the EPALE experience

What is the situation across Europe when it comes to qualifications and skills of adults and what policies and measures exist in Europe to address this?

How did adult learning evolve within the many generations of EU programmes? Moreover, what is the role of EPALE?

We will address all of these questions with our guests: Sogol Noorani Eurydice analyst, Ana Claudia Valente and Wilfried Frei National experts from Portugal and Austria, Georgia Nicolaou, a young EPALE user who shared a Community Story on EPALE and Alan Smith, former coordinator of the Grundtvig programme for adult learning at the European Commission.


Wednesday, January the 19th at 11h CET.


On the Eurydice Facebook page and on our Facebook page.

Stay tuned!

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