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EPALE - Elektroniczna platforma na rzecz uczenia się dorosłych w Europie

HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht


Through its practice-based research, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht contributes to solutions for a wide range of societal issues. Issues submitted by our partners working in the field – at the regional, national and international level.

Within the HU, there are four major Research Themse:

  • Learning and Innovation
  • Digital Business and Media
  • Healthy and Sustainable Living
  • Social Innovation

Rapid changes in society are continuously introducing complexity and dynamics to the activities of professionals. Our research helps people and organisations professionalise for the benefit of their own performance and of society at large, both in the present and in the future.

Prepared for the future

The research conducted within the theme Learning and Innovation actively contributes to finding solutions for current pressing issues in the educational sector, such as the shortage of available teachers and segregation within education. The overarching concern is how best to prepare professionals for the practice of tomorrow, while remaining attentive to the variety of talents, needs and skills among young people and active professionals.

Organisation Details
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Research organisation or a think-tank
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Profile picture for user n002cr14.
Kees Hoogland
| Opublikowana 4 years temu