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LLAF project proves its sustainability among Israeli Universities!

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Pedro Costa

The LLAF project (Lifelong Learning in Applied Sciences), that has ended in 2016, was recently subject of a monitoring visit from the European Commission to assess the impact and transferability of the results. As one of the partners responsible for its implementation, INOVA+ is very happy to share the results of the monitoring visit.

The objective of the project was to strengthen Israeli Higher Education teachers and students to improve their skills to independently continue learning throughout their careers and develop professionally, promoting one of the European pillars for the Education: lifelong learning (LLL). LLAF worked around four conceptual pillars based on the UNESCO’s International Commission Report on Education for the 21st Century (

Learning to know;

Learning to do;

Learning to live together;

Learning to be.

The main output of the project is a set of four teacher training manuals (one for each pillar), which are available for consultation on the project website ( Besides this, the sustainability of the project is very high in the partner institutions. Israeli partners have introduced the LLAF deliverables in their curricula, continue to run their teaching activities as developed in the pieces of training through the project and all project participants serve today as ambassadors of change in their institutions.

Based on the quality of the projects’ results and the high level of their sustainability, and taking into account that the initial awareness, knowledge and integration of LLL principles in the Israeli Universities was very low, the impact of this project is high and the results continue to produce positive effects the institutions that have participated in the LLAF project.

Following the end of the project, 150 academic and administrative staff yearly receive well-developed training based on the LLL principles. Moreover, yearly over 4500 students study in courses that include today LLL principles and as the majority of these students will be professionals in education or health professions, thousands of pupils and patients will be impacted through receiving better education or treatment.

To know more about the project, please consult the project website at

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