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EPALE - Elektroniczna platforma na rzecz uczenia się dorosłych w Europie

25 kwi

Digital Citizenship Awareness Workshop

Turcja, Bursa
Funda DAĞ

Digital Citizenship Awareness Workshop will be organized by the Ministry of Education General Directorate of Lifelong Learning.  The aim of the workshop is to inform and provide awareness for the importance of the media and information literacy in digital citizenship. Also, some activities will be doing to provide awareness about the relationship between digital citizenship and vocational development. The target audience includes adults educators who are active or not active about the skills of digital citizenship. This event would be valuable to offer practical tips to live in the digital world safely and responsibly.

The following four areas will be covered in the event:

  • digital footprint and protect our reputation on the internet,
  • security and privacy in Internet and mobile environments,
  • how to get accurate and reliable information on the internet,
  • being a good digital citizen
  • how to use digital citizenship skills for career development and on teaching processes
Event Details
As planned
Typ wydarzenia
Wydarzenie z zakresu doskonalenia zawodowego
Typ organizatora
Wydarzenie NSS
Liczba delegatów
< 100
Grupa docelowa
Sieci i organizacje ds. uczenia się dorosłych
Zamierzenia i cele
There is two main aim of the workshop. One of them is to inform and provide awareness for the importance of the media and information literacy in digital citizenship, and the second is to provide awareness about the relationship between digital citizenship and professional development.
Oczekiwane efekty uczenia się
Improve access skills to accurate information.
explain the ways of expressing themselves sufficiently and correctly in digital world
realize effective media and information literacy skills to become a digital citizen
question how digital citizenship can contribute to professional development.
Koszty udziału