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EPALE - Elektroniczna platforma na rzecz uczenia się dorosłych w Europie


SME’s Tool to Prevent Burnout

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Monika Nowakowska-Twaróg

Who is it for?

The aim of the project is to prevent burnout at work and raise resilience of SMEs staff, management staff, and SME owners.  We want to help SMEs to forecast burnout, to recognise the warning signs, to take steps towards getting their balance back and changing peoples’ approach to a balanced life, to improve working conditions, and to reduce the cost of burnout and stress. 

We have developed Toolkit for managers - 5 toolkits, 5 ways to raise resilience designed for SME managers to help prevent burnout at work. The content will help you spot any warning signs at an early stage and ultimately improve your employees’ happiness in the workplace. The toolkits are linked to the self-assessment that you did on identifying reduced resilience of your  employees.

5 toolkits are:

1.       Circle of Influence

2.       Core Quadrants of Ofman

3.       GROW Model

4.       Progression Feedback

5.       Social Styles

Each individual in a team has a set of qualities. If you can express and use these qualities in your job and/or your daily life, chances are that you feel good about yourself and what you are doing. You will therefore feel more resilient. When you cannot express these qualities or are using them in a negative way, it may have a downwards effect on yourself and others. Stress, frustration and even conflict will occur on a more regular basis. It is therefore extremely important as a manager to help employees identify and clarify their strengths and weaknesses. Only then you will discover the exact challenges that keep them from becoming more resilient in the workplace.

To put this into practice, we will present you with ‘The Core Quadrants’ of Danial Ofman, a commonly used, clear and accessible method that will help you to analyse conflicts and to promote cooperation. In this quadrant we see 4 elements: your core quality, pitfall, challenge and allergy.  Core qualities are, according to the author Daniel Ofman the specific strengths that characterise someone. Something you are really good at, or for which you are often praised by others. They make you the person you are today. You look at these qualities as being so obvious, that you give them little attention or thought. You believe that anyone can do it. They colour the way you look at things, how you behave, how you interact with others and what bothers you about their behaviour. Core qualities are also the positive points/characteristics that another person will use to describe you if he is requested to do so. Sometimes your core qualities are so evident to who you are as a person and how you act in life that you do not understand that others are not like you or do not behave in the same way. For example, if you were born as a very decisive person then you will behave that way, without any extra effort or energy, but that does not mean everyone else will do the same.


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