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EPALE - Elektronisch platform voor volwasseneneducatie in Europa


Višnja Milec: Knowledge is eternal and no one can take it from us

Adult education is a way of achieving your dreams and goals.

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EPALE Editor

Short biography 

I was born on June 11, 1973. I am married and a mother of 4 children. I trained in handball, and I enjoy nature, reading, dancing, traveling. I am employed at the Home for the Elderly and Infirm in Varaždin, and I am the owner of the holiday home Dedino ognište

My Story of Empowerment 

They say "Knowledge is power" and they are right. You are as powerful as you are sure of yourself, i.e. as much as you know. Education allows us to more easily adapt to various situations in both the labor market and everyday life, and to make better use of our knowledge. 

Investing in knowledge is the best investment.

Knowledge is eternal and no one can take it from us. If you are brave and wise enough, the money invested in knowledge is returned many times over. Education affects self-confidence, personal growth and income. Adult education provides a way of emerging from life's challenges as a winner, with a greater possibility of employment. 

Adult education is a way of achieving your dreams and goals. Adult education changes my life for the better every day by following trends in the labor market. I use my knowledge, creativity and skills every day at my workplace and in my entrepreneurial adventures.

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