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Tixtieq tikkollabora ma’ oħrajn minn madwar l-Ewropa iżda għad m’għandekx idea preċiża?

Żid l-organizzazzjoni tiegħek

Żid l-organizzazzjoni tiegħek fit-Tiftixa ta’ Sħab ta’ EPALE sabiex tkabbar il-profil tiegħek u tgħarraf lill-oħrajn li qed tipprova tidħol f’kooperazzjoni pan-Ewropea.

Parir utli: Żid kemm tiflaħ informazzjoni dwar l-organizzazzjoni tiegħek u t-tip ta’ attivitajiet li int involut(a) fihom sabiex tgħin lill-oħrajn isibuk.

Parti minn organizzazzjoni?

Billi tirreġistra l-organizzazzjoni tiegħek fuq EPALE, int se tkun tista' tagħmel aħbar ta' tfittxija għal sħab.

Sib l-aħħar informazzjoni dwar kif l-UE tippromwovi l-politika tat-tagħlim għall-adulti

Applied Filters

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board (CMETB) provides a comprehensive range of education and training services throughout Cavan and Monaghan and is the largest educational provider in the region
WWETB provides a comprehensive range of education and training services throughout Waterford and Wexford and is the largest education and training provider across both counties. In FET - including Adult Education - Bridging and Foundation Training, Community Education, Communi...
Profile picture for user n002eqzg.
Paul Fallon
We are a group of fellow language lovers interested in meeting up with like minded people 
peter kelly
Mullingar Community Training Centre (CTC) is a vocational education training centre for early school leavers, aged from 16-21 years of age
Mark Bannon
Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board provides a comprehensive range of education services throughout Cavan and Monaghan and is the largest educational provider in the region.  Formed in 2013, the authority plays a leading role in the provision of high-quality educat...
EurAV is a non-profit organisation with a team of traditional and digital media specialists who use their skillset to provide audio visual training and production in projects around their core areas of activity - climate action, social integration and media literacy. EurAV is ...
Profile picture for user n005r0an.
Declan Cassidy