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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa

20 Nov

Webinar: "Shifting paradigms: fostering sustainable lifestyles and rethinking our relationship with nature"

Remote Event
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On 20 November 2024, the webinar series: ‘Building green, inclusive and climate-resilient urban communities – the learning cities approach’ by the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities, will feature the webinar ‘Shifting paradigms: fostering sustainable lifestyles and rethinking our relationship with nature’. 

Currently responsible for around 75 per cent of global CO2 emissions, cities – and in particular the transport systems and office buildings – play a pivotal role in the world’s response to the climate crisis. In addition to being central to the transformation to inclusive and green economies, cities are also at the forefront of efforts to empower local communities with the knowledge and skills that are needed to break long-established patterns of unsustainable consumption, production and mobility. UNESCO learning cities, with their strong expertise in lifelong learning, are uniquely positioned to instil climate consciousness and equip local residents with the green skills essential for a sustainable society.

This webinar will focus on fostering sustainable lifestyles and rethinking our relationship with nature. Whether greater emphasis is paid to cycling to work or school, engaging in conscious consumption or being mindful when sorting waste, reflecting on how we can live more sustainably plays an important role in addressing climate change. In this context, there is a pressing need to develop a new ethical foundation for humanity’s relationship with nature. 

The final webinar of this series will consider how lifelong learning can be harnessed to promote sustainable consumption, the use of green mobility, responsible waste management and an appreciation of natural resources. It will draw upon how family learning, Indigenous knowledge systems and strengthened urban-rural understanding can foster sustainable living and, ultimately, redefine humanity’s relationship with nature.


20 November 2024, 13:00 to 14:00 (CET)


Zoom link


Arabic, English, French, Korean, Spanish

Event Details
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