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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa

11 Sep

Mind the Missions - Geodesign workshop

Juliana Carvalho Cortes Silva

We invite you to the second workshop of the Erasmus+ Project Mind The Missions

This workshop will be dedicated to Geodesign, a tool that can help municipalities foster continuous mission-driven learning and decision-making on future spatial development. It provides a structured, collaborative framework for understanding  processes and impacts and building consensus on how to arrange mission-oriented policies and projects across sectors, space, scale and time into a feasible and adaptable spatial development scenario. By leveraging stakeholder's values and knowledge, geospatial data and design principles, municipalities can ultimately contribute to more sustainable, adaptable and resilient communities.

The Mind The Mission (MTM) geodesign workshop will revisit existing MTM Good Practices Guide and Moonshot Ideas, pre-selected policies and projects, and existing municipal plans as first inputs. During the training, by using the Geodesign Hub software, participants will assess collected ideas and create new ones to create and negotiate a coherent final scenario. The reflection on how the scenarios were made and what was agreed will serve as a learning platform on which are important actors/institutions, impact assessments, spatial interventions and models to secure fair and knowledgeable mission-oriented scenario. This, together with the workshop evaluation, will give more insights for MTM's future activities: capstone projects definition, the third workshop, focused on project design and management, and the critical review of MTM strategy and lessons learnt from the pilot experiences.

Participation is free of charge, but limited to available spots. Registration is mandatory.  Consortium partners will be given priority to participate, as well as those that work for municipalities. 

ONLINE preparation session (2 hours) Date: 4th of September 2023 Time: 12PM CET (2 hours estimated duration)

IN-PERSON workshop (15 hours) Dates: 11-13th of September 2023 Time: 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM* GMT (see agenda for detailed time schedule) Location: Casa das Associações (R. de Mouzinho da Silveira 234 6/8) - Porto, Portugal

To register for the workshop, kindly fill out the Google Form. For any inquiries or further information, please contact us at For more information about the project, please visit the Mind the Missions webpage, follow our Linkedin page or join our community in EPALE - Mind the Missions.

If you are coming to the IN-PERSON workshop, have a look at the Welcome Guide for Porto

The project consortium looks forward to your active participation in this enriching workshop! 

Event Details
Event Location
Porto, Portugal
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