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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за учење на возрасните во Европа

Applied Filters

Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
Adult Education Institution Dante in Rijeka specialises in facilitating Staff Mobility for teachers, trainers, educational and non-educational staff, and Learning Mobility for adult learners offering customised training courses funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.
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Profile picture for user n00buoed.
Mirna Rubeša
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
|Постирано на 1 day порано
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)


Are you looking for hosting or visiting institution?

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Neno Gabelia
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
|Постирано на 2 days порано
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)

Mediterranean Exporters’ Association (AKİB) is the only legal entity that represents the exporters of the region and has more than 33,000 active members exporting all ar

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Profile picture for user n00f3vwm.
idil dilan öğüt
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
|Постирано на 2 days порано
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
We are looking for new partners to welcome our participants in the implementation of their activities in the first semester of 2025. We have 3 types of mobility to achieve: - Group mobility: Developing skills and facilitating the economic and social inclusion of the most remote, marginalized and isolated audiences (JAMO, seniors) through the implementation of intergenerational mobilities. In the context of intergenerational mobility through the development of basic skills (autonomy, leadership, verbal and non-verbal communication, management and expression of emotions, argumentation and ability to defend one’s opinion, to hear and accept others, ability to seek information, plan and organize tasks, Putting its acquired skills into practice, basic digital skills: use of the Internet, word software) enabling economic and social inclusion. - Individual mobility: Promote the development of transversal skills of marginalized groups (women, young people), in the fields of agriculture, food and digital, through educational mobility. By the development of cross-cutting skills (e.g.: native, foreign and non-verbal communication, information seeking, planning and organizing of tasks, implementation of acquired knowledge, ability to move from theory to practice and know-how to link up with the different areas of mobility) and a self-confidence necessary for socio-professional inclusion. - job shadowing: Improving the quality of work in animation and support for marginalized groups by strengthening capacities, sharing tools and collaboration between organisations in the OR and Europe. The development of the facilitators (professional animators) and members of the structure skills in terms of accompanying marginalized and excluded adult audiences (developing methods, practices, tools)
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|Постирано на 4 days порано
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)
Queremos ser tu socio en tu proyecto Erasmus +. ¡No busques más!
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Profile picture for user n00f6sy3.
Teresa Herrera
|Постирано на 1 week порано
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)
Buscamos socio colaborador con experiencia en proyectos erasmus para proyecto de ecoemprendimiento del cual somos coordinadores. Urgente.. Abstenerse entidades sin experiencia.
Започнува на
Profile picture for user n00f6sy3.
Teresa Herrera
|Постирано на 1 week порано