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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за учење на возрасните во Европа

We are searching for partners to K2 Erasmus plus project

Czech Republic.
Започнува на | Posted on Wed, 01/04/2017 - 16:01

The aim of the project is to develop new curriculum, methodology and learning materials for education of people with educational difficulties: young people with learning difficulties; early school-leavers; low qualified adults and of people with disadvantaged backgrounds, including newly arrived migrants.


The methodology will be based on modern knowledge of human brain. Mainly on suggestopedia, visual, auditory, kinesthetic perception, conversation method and more. Suggestopedia is a method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov. This method proved to be several times more effective than common methods, especially for the people who have problems with learning.

There will be an e-learning support for the tuition as well.

Project will be also aimed on greater understanding and responsiveness to social, ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity;

Partners should participate on methodology and learning materials and elearning materials and participate on 3 international meetings.


Partnership Details
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I am looking for…
Research organisation or a think-tank
National, Regional or local government organisation
Adult education provider
I am looking for organisations in the following countries