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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за учење на возрасните во Европа

3 Feb

Training course for teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language in Spain

Шпанија, Valencia

Education is going through some of the most interesting changes in its history, but it is a fact that these changes are always complicated. Adapting to the new times, this course offer new tools and methods of teaching in order to offer a unique learning experience to students of Spanish as a foreign language. The upcoming generations use technology in practically every aspect of their lives and therefore the way in which they relate to learning could not be no different. Besides knowing how to teach, having a good grasp of new technologies is equally important in order to become aware of the role they play within the classroom.

Event Details
As planned
Вид настан
Professional development event
Веб страница на настанот
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
AIP Language Institute
Детали за контакт
If you want any further information you should contact the following emails: or
Phone: 0034 96 339 15 66
Целна група
Academics, students, researchers in andragogy
Цели и задачи
We will mainly focus on improving management and dynamics of heterogeneous groups within the classroom. You will participate in workshops that deal with things which, as a Spanish teacher, you are in contact with on your day to day (assessments, multiculturalism, group dynamics and games etc.)

Other innovative aspects you will learn are the use of TV series for learning Spanish; getting to know the main multimedia resource banks and learning how to make online activities.

We will reflect on the use of new technologies within the classroom and we will explore activities that can make your lessons something magical. Enjoy the convenience of using our state-of-the-art digital interactive white boards (PDIs) and share with your students all the advantages of our ELE teacher-training course.
Очекувани крајни резултати (од учењето)
You will be able to use the resources and tools which have provided the best of results in our lessons.

Throughout our Training Workshops, you will enjoy the fundamental aspects of teaching

You’ll have countless opportunities for putting in practice all you have learned with the help of our teachers
Recognition / certification of participation
Yes. you will get Certificate of attendance
Котизација за учество
Themes addressed