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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за учење на возрасните во Европа

2 Aug

Developing 21st century skills in the classroom: CRITICAL THINKING

Хрватска, Split
Profile picture for user Maksima Training Center Split Croatia.
Maša Reić

Critical thinking has been identified as one of essential life skills that enables students to learn how to think rationally, clearly and most importantly – independently. 

The focus of the course is on learning how to teach students to become analytical and to practice the ability to carefully examine information, interpret data and question evidence. 
Participants will be discussing ideas, exploring various case studies working in groups as a team and sharing examples of good practice. 
Problem solving is another crucial critical thinking skill that involves analyzing a problem and coming up with practical solutions through clarification, collaboration, evaluation and decision making. 

Event Details
As planned
Вид настан
Professional development event
Веб страница на настанот
Број на ЕУ проект
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
Детали за контакт
Целна група
Academics, students, researchers in andragogy
Цели и задачи
The focus of the course is on learning how to teach students to become analytical and to practice the ability to carefully examine information, interpret data and question evidence.
Recognition / certification of participation
Котизација за учество
Themes addressed