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Заедници од праксата

Заедници од праксата

Заедниците во областа на практиката се интернет-групи каде што луѓето со слични интереси од секторот за учење за возрасни лица можат да разменуваат идеи. Приклучете се во заедница за да запознаете истомисленици кои се членови на EPALE од цела Европа и за да разменувате идеи, ресурси и добри практики.


Communication with partners

FabLab (for employment oriented vocational training)

An Erasmus + project group for employment oriented vocational training.


Implementation of activities of the GREENER KA210 2021 Ananda Marga

Regionální semináře EPALE 2022

Prezentace z regionálních seminářů 2022.

Learning Villages International Network (LVIN) / Red Internacional de Pueblos de Aprendizaje

A growing network formed by organizations and people aiming to bring rural development and dynamization through cultural and natural heritage education and creative management.

Ensamblando mi espiritualidad

Este grupo pretende facilitar el intercambio de información y análisis, de corte fundamentalmente académico, de diversos aspectos de la dimensión espiritual especialmente en el entorno de salud.


ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIO-SCIENTIFIC ISSUES IN INITIAL TEACHER EDUCATION ENSITE relates to real-life challenges particularly to our environment


0 членови
The purpose of this page is to exchange successful experiences related to learning for well-being and happiness in adult schools

European Mobilities for Styrian Apprentices

In this group we share the results for the mobilites organised and carried out by vocational schools in Styria, Austria.

The writing's on the wall

Group space to prepare our KA2.

Calendar for Climate Change (C4CC)

C4CC is the development of an interactive calendar supporting climate change awareness and more, at the scan of a QR code! It will also use inter-generational learning to support senior citizens.

(public) libraries

Public libraries are more and more active within Erasmus+ Adult Education. This group can support when you are searching for Job Shadowing options, Invited Experts or other issues.