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EPALE - Eiropas pieaugušo mācīšanās elektroniskā platforma

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NGO Estonian Adult Educators' Community (EAEC) is organization of voluntarily joined individuals, which operates for public interest and connects Estonian Adult Educators. The main goal of the EAEC is to create supportive conditions for professional development and reflec...
Profile picture for user nskoroge.
The ’EUROED’ ASSOCIATION is a Romanian NGO aiming at promoting and supporting continuous learning of adults in accordance with European standards, as a way of improving the knowledge of the adults from the perspective of new challenges and requirements. ‘EUROED’ ASSOCIATION’s ...
Der Rat für Erwachsenenbildung vertritt die Interessen und Belange der 12 anerkannten und geförderten Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen in Ostbelgien gegenüber den politischen Entscheidungsträgern. Er fungiert als gemeinsames Sprachrohr nach außen, fördert und bewirbt das Leben...
Profile picture for user Jasmin.
Jasmin Heeren
The VNB is an officially acknowledged state-wide adult educational institution in Lower Saxony / Germany, and as well an umbrella organisation with a network of more than 200 adult educational member organisations and co-operation partners.
Profile picture for user nboubati.
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Stockholm School of Arts/Kulturskolan Stockholm (SSA), one of Europe’s greatest schools of art for young people, is a municipality activity within the Culture administration in the City of Stockholm. The Stockholm School of the Arts provides a wide range leisure activities for...
Čehijas Republika
Czech Republic.
Right from its inception, the Aspena Language School has profiled itself as an alternative language centre for demanding clients. The key to its success primarily lies in performing a detailed customer needs analysis and adopting an individual approach throughout the course of...