Dear EPALE colleagues,
Happy new year! 2014 was an exciting year for adult learning. Not only was the EPALE platform launched, but 2014 also saw a new Commission appointed in Brussels. With the new Commission’s focus set clearly on the digital agenda and matching skills to labour market demands, 2015 is set to be an interesting year for adult learning.
Increased momentum towards these goals was already becoming evident in December. Calls have been made for training and tools to better meet the needs of EU citizens, and the Education in the Digital Era conference saw experts urging policy makers to train teachers in digital technologies.
As the year draws to a close, the EPALE team is also looking forward to the coming months in adult learning. In her blog post, Maria Toia looks back over the course of the last year in adult learning, and the EPALE team celebrates revealing the platform to the community. Look out for Simon Broek’s blog post which makes predictions and recommendations for 2015.
With so many members of the adult learning community able to come via EPALE, we can’t wait to see how you will work together to improve standards in Europe. In the coming months, we can work together, talk together and achieve great things together.
*Editor’s note – in an earlier edition of this newsletter, we mistakenly referred to commissioners sitting in Parliament. We apologise for this error.