Motivating both student and teacher is the key factor in today’s education, at all levels. These courses provide news skills and innovative methods to help teachers encourage their students to reach their full potential and purchase their studies (Preventing early school leaving). Through this course, participants will acquire new skills and tools to help them overcome the challenges they will encounter in the classroom.
Event Details
Pasākuma veids
Profesionālās pilnveides pasākums
Organizatora veids
Cits notikums
Organiser name
Mērķa grupa
Andragoģijas pētnieki, akadēmiķi, studenti
Pieaugušo izglītības tīkli un organizācijas
Succesfuly motivate students to purchase their studies Manage different methods of foreign language teaching Acquire new skills and tools to teach various subjects Teach to stay motivated in work Upgrade your english skills with native speakers
Sertifikāts / apliecība par dalību pasākumā un/vai mācīšanās rezultāti