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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Meet - Connect - Collaborate

Profile picture for user DLEARN.
Gianluca Coppola

The European Digital Learning Network will host from the 24th of May a European networking online event!

This event is focusing on the next call for Alliances for Innovation, boosting education and giving the possibility to more than 100 European to have networking sessions to meet peers and create new collaborations!

We are inviting you to join us and you’ll have the opportunity to listen to contributions by the European Commission's Policy officer Paul Tzimas and to debate on several topics to boost education!

If you are working in an organisation aiming to boost digital education, adult education, VET education, school education, higher education, STEAM, employability, social inclusion, climate change, civic engagement, policy authority, policymakers or if you are interested in these sectors then this event is for you!

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