Le Collecton : online training course training French-speaking citizens to become life story collectors!

The online platform, www.lecollecton.com, and its MOOC train French-speaking citizens to become life story collectors. "Le Collecton" was created in 2021 by GlobeConteur and Nos Mémoires Vives, two French organizations.
To improve and add new content to this platform, an Erasmus+ project-Key Action 2-established a partnership between three European organizations (GlobeConteur and Nos Mémoires Vives in France, and Urbanisa'son in Belgium). These organizations work both in the field of collecting life stories and in citizen training, as well as supporting projects focused on collecting stories.
The project aimed to raise the issue of collecting citizen life stories to a European level, presenting it as a way to foster social bonds, share life stories and experiences across generations and cultures, and preserve our intangible human heritage.
The partnership sought, through exchanges of good practices, visions, and expertise, to create new educational content. Four pedagogical videos, each 5-8 minutes long, were added to the online training course on the Collecton platform (www.lecollecton.com). Each organization then trained a group of 10 citizens, through this digital course (the Collecton MOOC), to become life story collectors.
This project lasted 18 months and concluded in June 2024 with a major festival in Montpellier, "Le Festival Ça s'raconte." The event brought together the three groups of citizens trained via the Collecton platform by the three partners, as well as other European citizens engaged in the life story collection movement, members/volunteers of the three partner organizations, witnesses who agreed to share their stories, and professionals working in the social and cultural sectors
Here's the video of the “Ça s'raconte” festival held in Montpellier.
More information: marie@globeconteur.org