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EPALE - A felnőttkori tanulás elektronikus európai platformja

26 szep

First study visit: Alzira (Spain)

Jesús Vila Piera

The 1st transnational meeting of Erasmus+ project YOUropean: What’s Europe to you? is going to be held in Alzira, Spain. Alongside our partners Polaris from Italy, Level Up from Poland and K-Gem from Turkey, we will conduct an intense study visit throughout multiple entities that work on adult education and promotion of European values. These entities are:

  • IDEA Alzira
  • Interpreta Natura
  • Fundación CEDAT
  • Escena Erasmus - Univeristat de València
  • CFPA Vicent Ventura
  • CFPA Enric Valor
Event Details
Event Location
Alzira, València (Spain)
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