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EPALE - A felnőttkori tanulás elektronikus európai platformja

4 máj

English for Educators: advance your career (level I)

Spanyolország, Barcelona
Profile picture for user Shipcon.
Erika Zulkute


This course is ideal for all those working in the field of education, adult educators, trainers & coaches, university staff (academic & administrative) who want to improve their level of spoken and written English. It aims to give participants an overview of English grammar and vocabulary with special focus on acquiring and improving language skills in a dynamic and communicative way, through individual, pair and group work.

Course participants are provided with a combination of online resources, a variety of media and authentic and interesting texts. Emphasis is placed on developing the strategies for effective listening, reading and speaking in both informal and formal settings.

Upon completion, participants should be able to demonstrate improved comprehension, accuracy and fluency, which will enable them to participate in activities appropriate to academic and professional settings.

This course, although structured, is designed to be flexible and can be adapted to suit the specific needs of the participants.

Important note: ‘English for Educators: advance your career (Level I)’ course is for teachers/educators and administrative workers who have an Elementary (A2) up to Intermediate (B1) level of English, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages


Event Details
As planned
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Organiser name
ShipCon Limassol Ltd
Registration URL
Felnőttkori tanulással foglalkozó hálózatok és szervezetek
Célok és célkitűzések
• Improve communication skills in English
• Understand the structures of the English language and develop vocabulary and fluency
• Enhance self-confidence in spoken English in the educational as well as professional setting
• Seize opportunities for cooperation with peers on an international level
Elvárt tanulási eredmények
Improve oral fluency in English, including phrasing, intonation and rhythm
Speak English more articulately
Be capable to participate in business meetings where English is the official language
Gain self-confidence in speaking in formal settings where English is the working language.
Részvétel és / vagy tanulási eredmények elismerése/tanúsítása
Certificate of attendance & certificate of competence (skills & competences required – Europass CV)
Europass mobility certificates – to be issued by the applicant’s National Authority (NA)
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