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EPALE - Elektronička platforma za obrazovanje odraslih


Prijenos uživo 16. listopada - EPALE konferencija zajednice 2024.

Pogledajte prijenos drugog dana konferencije posvećenog učenju odraslih za izlaz iz siromaštva.

Tea Dominković

U videozapisu u nastavku pogledajte prijenos uživo plenarnih predavanja od 16. listopada 2024. Prijenos je javan, tako da nije potrebna registracija. Samo pritisnite gumb za reprodukciju! Kako biste saznali više o programu pomaknite se prema dolje nakon videozapisa. 

Molimo pročitajte izjavu o privatnosti povezanu s EPALE konferencijom zajednice. Videozapis u nastavku učitava sadržaj s YouTube-a, usluge Google LCC. Za informacije o tome kako Google može koristiti vaše podatke pogledajte Google-ova pravila o privatnosti.

Drugi dan EPALE konferencije zajednice posvećen je otkrivanju kako učenje i obrazovanje odraslih mogu djelovati kao ključni pokretač za smanjenje siromaštva i rješavanje nejednakosti. Glavni govornik, panel rasprava i inspirativni govori vodit će nas kroz kolektivno mišljenje koje varira od dubinskih promišljanja o snazi emancipatorskog obrazovanja, praktičnih iskustava nastavnika koji rade u nepovoljnim položajima, do kreativnih alata za društvenu promjenu. 

Agenda Community Conference 16/10/24

Toplo vas pozivamo da komunicirate sa sudionicima i govornicima koristeći odjeljak za komentare na dnu ove stranice. 

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Martina Pierfederici
sri, 10/16/2024 - 12:01

The live-streaming of the #EPALECommunityConference will be back tomorrow. 

If you missed today's panels, you can re-watch them here ▶️ 

See you tomorrow for another exciting session on Adult Learning for Sustainable Development. 


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Paola Minieri
sri, 10/16/2024 - 11:33

One of my students , a 17 yo new arrival from Guinea, is very good at drawing. The problem is that he pulls out his drawing notebook as he gets in the class and he keeps drawing from the start to the end of the (Italian) lesson. Have you got a suggestion to overcome this not letting out his creativity needs? Thank you.

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sri, 10/16/2024 - 10:16

Good morning,

People tend not to realize that the time they have lived has also given them time to learn. With the passage of time that they were able to learn, still informally and not formally. How can we get them to stop in time to appreciate the time they had and that taught them so much?

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Paola Minieri
sri, 10/16/2024 - 10:08

Slowing time against institutional contraints as a key in adult learning is crucial expecially with migrans from african and south asia who have not the concept of history as a way to reflect about the present. Thank you for let us reflect about that

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Profile picture for user EPALE Ireland.
EPALE Ireland
sri, 10/16/2024 - 10:00

When we, as individuals, recognise rhythms that leave little or no time to ignite change in our lives, are there principles of pattern disruption that can help us break out of these cycles?

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Alice Arlequin
sri, 10/16/2024 - 09:58

How this necessity of slowing down relates to the acceleration also brought by the technological changes, like AI for example, that forces us to do always more in less time?

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Martina Pierfederici
sri, 10/16/2024 - 09:44

Get to know our keynote speaker and his actvity:

Michel Alhadeff-Jones' website: 

Sunkhronos Institute: 


Book in open access "Time and the Rhythms of Emancipatory Education" 

Article in open access "Developing rhythmic intelligence: Towards a critical understanding of educational temporalities" 

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Martina Pierfederici
sri, 10/16/2024 - 09:20

Good morning everyone! 

We are glad to welcome you to the second day of the 2024 EPALE Community Conference. 

The streaming will start in a few minutes. 

If you are not an EPALE registered user yet, register following this link: 

As a registered user, you'll be able to write your comments here, and fully interact with our speakers and with the rest of the EPALE community!

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